Calvary Bible Institute Japan カルバリー聖書学院
Our mission is to raise up the next generation of servant leaders in Japan; equipping them to press forward the kingdom of God.
CBI Japan is an extension campus of Calvary Bible Institute in Joshua Springs, California. We offer a one-year program matching Joshua Springs with the possibility to transfer credits. The program is designed to equip those who are called to serve the Lord in full-time ministry.
All graduates will study through the entirety of the Word of God and gain understanding of how integral the Word of God is for life and ministry. Through hands on ministry opportunities, graduates will gain an understanding of the sacrifices of serving the body of Christ as well as the blessings gained as they seek first the kingdom of God. Over half of the graduates of CBI go on to serve in different churches all over the world in many different capacities.
Along side of the normal CBI semester we offer a two year program for Japanese locals to be grounded in the Word of God and learn the importance of pressing forward the kingdom of God in Japan and the world.
CBI Japan is an extension campus of Calvary Bible Institute in Joshua Springs, California. We offer a one-year program matching Joshua Springs with the possibility to transfer credits. The program is designed to equip those who are called to serve the Lord in full-time ministry.
All graduates will study through the entirety of the Word of God and gain understanding of how integral the Word of God is for life and ministry. Through hands on ministry opportunities, graduates will gain an understanding of the sacrifices of serving the body of Christ as well as the blessings gained as they seek first the kingdom of God. Over half of the graduates of CBI go on to serve in different churches all over the world in many different capacities.
Along side of the normal CBI semester we offer a two year program for Japanese locals to be grounded in the Word of God and learn the importance of pressing forward the kingdom of God in Japan and the world.
カルバリー聖書学院(以下:CBI Japan)は、カリフォルニア州ジョシュア・スプリングにあるCalvary Bible Instituteの分校です。私たちは本校と連携し、1年プログラムで、単位を移行できるようになることを望んでいます。このプログラムは、フルタイムで主に奉仕をし、主に召された者を訓練するように設計されています。
全ての卒業生は、神様の御言葉を全て勉強し、人生とミニストリー(奉仕)に神の御言葉がどれだけ不可欠なのか理解を得ます。 色々なミニストリーに携わることを通して、卒業生はキリストのからだに仕えることの犠牲や、神の御国を第一にすることで得られる祝福の理解を得ます。CBI卒業生の大半は、世界中の様々な教会の色々な分野で仕えています。
カルバリー聖書学院(以下:CBI Japan)は、カリフォルニア州ジョシュア・スプリングにあるCalvary Bible Instituteの分校です。私たちは本校と連携し、1年プログラムで、単位を移行できるようになることを望んでいます。このプログラムは、フルタイムで主に奉仕をし、主に召された者を訓練するように設計されています。
全ての卒業生は、神様の御言葉を全て勉強し、人生とミニストリー(奉仕)に神の御言葉がどれだけ不可欠なのか理解を得ます。 色々なミニストリーに携わることを通して、卒業生はキリストのからだに仕えることの犠牲や、神の御国を第一にすることで得られる祝福の理解を得ます。CBI卒業生の大半は、世界中の様々な教会の色々な分野で仕えています。
Calvary Bible Institute JAPAN
Calvary Bible Institute Japan is affiliated with Calvary Chapel Association. Our main campus is Calvary Bible Institute, located in Joshua Springs, California).
CBI Japan is located in Okinawa, Japan. Our vision is to raise, disciple and equip the next generation of servant leaders with the word of God for ministry in Japan and the whole world.
カルバリー聖書学院は、Calvary Bible Instituteの加盟団体です。
CBI Japan is located in Okinawa, Japan. Our vision is to raise, disciple and equip the next generation of servant leaders with the word of God for ministry in Japan and the whole world.
カルバリー聖書学院は、Calvary Bible Instituteの加盟団体です。
© 2024 CALVARY BIBLE INSTITUTE JAPAN | 1-3-5 Akamichi | Ginowan, Okinawa | JAPAN 901-2205 | tel: 098.943.5640 | e-mail: [email protected]